What Happened To Our New Catamaran?

We’re in Cebu, Philippines at the HH Catamarans factory for our first round of warranty repairs. Sadly, things didn’t go as expected.
The boat wasn’t in great shape, many of the jobs didn’t get done, and not all the work done was up to spec.
This is a new factory for HH, and CURIOSITY is the first finished boat they have worked on. So, it was a bit painful and it took far longer than expected. Let's just say it was a series of unfortunate events for all of us.
As you can imagine, everyone at HH feels TERRIBLE about the whole situation. They have assured us that they stand behind their product and their customers.
The Cebu factory now has new management, new systems in place, additional experts (especially in the finishing departments), enhanced training programs and it has undergone major infrastructure changes. Just before we left, we were able to meet Rudy, the new general manager. He is an impressive gentleman with 24 years in design and manufacturing in the marine, automotive, aerospace and defense industries. He shared some of his grand plans for the Cebu factory and I do believe him when he says all future work will be up to the high standards HH is known for.
So, while it has been a very stressful and expensive five plus weeks of living out of hotels. We are happy to be back in our home and preparing for our next big passage. Plus, we get to share the journey with some of you, our Curiosity Crew!
Life is a wild ride, thanks for riding this roller coaster with us.