I Can’t Believe We’re Going Home!

Fiji was supposed to be a stopover…now here we are six months later finally catching the last leg of our journey. And even that didn’t go the way we thought it would. But honestly, nothing this year has gone the way any of us ever thought it would.
Our home is in Tonga and the borders are still closed, as so much of the world is. We registered with the US and Tongan Embassy and eventually for a “special circumstances” repatriation but hadn’t heard anything in months. We would send bi-weekly emails to every contact we could find but would get the same be patient, borders are still closed auto-generated response.
So, we’ve been waiting because as frustrating as it is, we understand. Viruses less lethal than covid-19 have been known to decimate these fragile island populations. The world’s leading superpower countries couldn’t get it together fast enough and are still struggling through.
So really, we were beyond shocked to get a call from the government of Tonga saying our request was being considered! We thought for sure we weren’t going anywhere until 2021. In fact, our 6-month tourist visa was about to expire and we planned to apply for residency in Fiji….no joke!
It’s been a year filled with so many things and its not over yet. But this feels like the end of a chapter for us. A bittersweet goodbye.
Fiji embraced us, became our home, and infected us with their bula spirit (a wish for happiness, good health and the energy of life.) It has been a gift and one we will carry on with us until we return again.
For now, we say a fond moce (goodbye) to Fiji and a huge Mālō e lelei (hello) to The Kingdom of Tonga!
The Best Waterproof Bag Ever
You’ve seen me sporting this waterproof bag for the past 4 years and we are so proud to have UGO as a sponsor! Melanie and Vicky created UGO five years ago and we found them when they were just starting out. We were impressed with the ingenuity of the bag and even more impressed to see two women start an ambitious business at an age most people retire. They were so excited and proud of the waterproof bag they created to protect cell phones. Now, they have multiple sizes, designs and thousands of people who love what they have created too.
You can snag one and save 20% with the discount code: *WYNNS*
- UGO: ugowear.com/
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All From Artlist
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Artists – Will Van de Crommert, Dan Zeitune, The Places, The Days