This Just Got Complicated

I’m a glass-half-full kinda person. I like to think of optimism as being my superpower and it has gotten me through a lot. But somehow, I have the sneaking suspicion that my powers are about to be tested again.
Last week we officially dove into what will, in the end, be our biggest boat refit ever. We started by ripping out our port-side windows. It was like ripping off a band-aid, it stung at first but then felt good to have it done. Progress was officially underway.
We patted ourselves on the back for our brave start and promised ourselves we would dive in deep and get the boat cruising ready by October.
But, as the Scottish proverb goes, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.
And awry it is. The Delta variant has arrived in New Zealand and we’re officially in a Level 4 lockdown for the foreseeable future. It felt as though Life had just delivered us a bucket full of lemons, contactless of course, with a note attached.
Dear Wynns,
The stores are all out of sugar due to panic buying. But you should be fine, we hear optimism can be substituted one for one. Let us know how the lemonade turns out.
Touché. This will indeed make things complicated, but not impossible. So, challenge accepted! We still have plenty of projects we can tackle, even in lockdown. Starting with our power problems.
About That 240v-12v Smart Charger
We bought the Victron IP22 12v/30a 240v charger. It’s the least expensive way we found to charge our 120v boat with lithium batteries from a 240v power supply. And since the power draw from the charger is so low, we can use a standard travel adapter when we sail to other countries that have 240v power.
But, our Friend Raf at Just Catamarans recommended a slightly more expensive model that is well worth looking into. It is the Phoenix Smart IP43 50a charger. The thing I like about this product; the power cord is removable so I wouldn’t need to use a travel adapter. I could just buy a cord for each country when I arrive. If we want to go BIG, he said we should check out the Skylla IP65 120-240v charger.
If you’re researching in the USA, the main thing to check before purchasing is the voltage. If you want it to work when you leave the Americas, the input voltage needs to be 240v. If you don’t want Victron, NOCO now has a line of 120v-240v chargers which are worth a look too. Here’s a link to their NOCO GENIUSPRO 50 which we also considered, but couldn’t purchase here in NZ.
- Source – Artlist, Get 2 Months for FREE:
- Artists – Michael Shynes, Mika Sade, Katrina Stone, Low Light
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