Terms & Policies

If you have questions about our terms or policies, review this page and contact us if you need further information.


Don’t post spam, anything illegal or abusive towards us or others.  If you do, we can delete your account. By using Gone With The Wynns, you agree to these terms and to the other policies Gone With The Wynns post.  


Your privacy is critically important to us. We only collect information about you if we have a reason to do so — for example, to add you as a free or paying member, or to communicate with you. We collect this information if and when you provide information to us.  We hate spam and do not sell your information to advertisers. 

If you have an account with us, our system uses your email to pull in your Gravatar image, if you have created one. This is used, for example, to put that image next to your username when you comment.

If you become a paid subscriber, we’ll collect information to process those payments and contact you.

You can unsubscribe from our website and emails anytime: Free and paid subscribers may unsubscribe either through the unsubscribe link at the end of every email or on the website in your account settings.

You may also provide us with information when you respond to surveys, communicate with us about a support question, post a comment, or sign up for an event. When you communicate with us via form, email, or otherwise, we store a copy of our communications.

We only use cookies to log-in users and do not cookie any reader who is not a free or paid subscriber.

Links to other websites and services

Our website may integrate with or contain links to other third party sites and services, such as an embedded Instagram or YouTube video. While we strive to keep cookies to a minimum, we are not responsible for the practices employed by third party websites or services embedded in, linked to, or linked from our website. Your interactions with any third-party website or service are subject to that third party’s own rules and policies.


Free Subscribers: You can unsubscribe from our website and emails anytime, either through the unsubscribe link at the end of every email or on the website in your account settings.

Paid Subscribers: Monthly subscriptions automatically renew each month. Annual subscriptions automatically renew at the end of the one-year subscription period.  You can turn off automatic subscription renewal at any point by canceling your subscription, as described below. Once you do so, your subscription benefits will continue until the end of the current subscription period.

Save for extenuating circumstances, Gone With The Wynns does not issue paid subscription refunds.

To cancel your subscription, access your account page by clicking “Account” on the top right corner of any web page. Click on “Change” under your plan information, and then select “Cancel subscription.”

Note: If you unsubscribe from emails on your account information page, or click on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of a Gone With The Wynns email, you will be removed from the email list, but this will not cancel your paid subscription. To cancel your paid subscription, you must cancel your plan in your account information page.

If you have questions, reach out to us by clicking the "account" on the top right corner of any web page.  Click on "Contact Support".

Note: Only free and paid subscribers can contact support.