Sailing Eleuthera – Glass Window Bridge and Queens Bath

Sailing Eleuthera – Glass Window Bridge and Queens Bath

Perspective is everything.  Sometimes it’s proverbial and others it’s literal, but when it comes to sailing and exploring Eleuthera, it’s both.

How about that drone perspective!?! Our drone was acting up and we kept losing connection (I was flying blind), which might have been a good thing.  Otherwise, we would have ended up with days of footage and hundreds of photos!

Glass Window Bridge

The bridge itself is nothing to write home about and is not in the least bit pedestrian friendly.  There isn’t any parking either. The one spot that looks like a pullout has a large No Parking sign (but everyone pulled over and parked there anyway).  So, it’s a little weird and unwelcoming at first.  Once we started clambering around the rocks and searching for a higher perspective, it all got a lot more interesting!  Curiosity lead us from one shear rocky ledge and formation to the next, and we left feeling pretty satisfied with our explorations.

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exploring eleuthera by sailboat
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Queens Bath

Once we found the cute “Queen’s Bath” sign off the road, we walked down the trail to the rocky shore and turned left.  It was a short 5 minutes to the queen’s bath and a couple of hours of fun.  It’s easy to get mesmerized and lost in the waves and water.  If you arrive close to high tide you should see the water crashing over the rocks and filling the baths…but don’t forget your swimsuit and towel!!!!

exploring eleuthera by sailboat

Sailing along the coast in the protected waters of Exuma sound is like sailing in a vivid dream.  The seas are shallow and gentle, the water is crystal clear and the views are uninterrupted.  We were lulled into such a relaxed state I was surprised we had the motivation to get the sails down at the end of the day.

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Ideal winds in our favor and a free million-dollar view…this may be as close to perfection as life gets.  We really savor these days and lock them into our memory bank. Life is short and unpredictable but it’s these sweet moments that will get us through the more sour times.  And this is sugary sweet!

Sailing Report

To see our full map with interactive pins, click here:

cruising eleuthera map

Dates: January 30 – February 2, 2017
Nautical Miles Sailed: 86
Anchorages: We stayed one night at Spanish Wells South: Roomy anchorage and a quick dinghy ride into town for fuel and supplies.  The grocery store further into town is much better than the one by the fuel dock.  Glass Window Bridge:  Another roomy anchorage with easy land access from the beach.  Both anchorages can be found easily on Active Captain.
Cell & WiFi: Our BTC signal was sometimes weak but we were able to connect with our booster on.

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