First Time Sailing With Pirates, in Arizona

First Time Sailing With Pirates, in Arizona

If you’re going to get on a sail boat for the first time, it might as well be with self proclaimed Pirates.  Right?


You may have gathered this by now but we almost never turn down an invitation…to just about anything.  So while we were in Lake Havasu our newly acquainted friends John and Suzie invited us out on their boat, we only asked one question.  “Can we bring our friend Cass?”  Not “how long have you been sailing” or “do you have a tendency to say arrrg”.

sailing with friends

We have a habit of committing ourselves before we even know what we are committing to.  Saying “YES” to life is not a problem we have, however we might (maybe) advise being a bit more inquiring along the way.


Good news is we didn’t rape, pillage or require anyone to surrender their booty.  We did however endure a good amount of pirate banter.  It could have turned annoying but luckily their jokes were funny and their pirate impressions were impressive.

pirate hook

John and Suzie were happy to show us the ropes and even let Jason take the Captains Spot for bit.  He looks like a natural…however, we all know there can only be one Captain and I don’t think there will be any debates as to who that will be on our boat!

captain Jasonfirst mate nikkilooking on land

Now of course the experience wouldn’t have been complete with out a beautiful sunset and….

beautiful sunset

a good sunset pee!

sunset pee

If this is any indication as to what sailing life and most sailors are like, I think we’ll fit right in!  After all, it’s better to sail with Pirates than not to sail at all.  Well, at least that’s our logic.

after sail drinks

Thanks John and Suzie for an unforgettable first! (and to Cass for picking up the tab for our local brews at bites at College Street Brewhouse, a perfect way to celebrate our Virgin Voyage).