11 Years Living Off-Grid On A Self-Built Island (full tour)

There is a quote that perfectly sums up today’s story.
“Some people look for a beautiful place, others make a place beautiful.”
― Hazrat Inayat Khan
Tonga is a beautiful Island Country, but rarely does a destination wiggle its way into our hearts forever…it’s people that have that effect. And we’ve been friendship rich here in Tonga!
Luckily, we’ve been able to share some of these beautiful friendships with you. First, it was Kjell and Adriana, then Johnny and the boys at the boatyard, Marty the ReWilding man, John (the Kiwi Al Pacino), and now Ben and Lisa. (Just typing out all their names floods my mind with memories and makes me smile.)
But it was meeting Ben and Lisa that answered a gnawing question that enters my mind every time we sail into a new port. What happens if we love it so much, we don’t want to leave? According to our new friends, the answer is obvious: You build out a tiny island like it’s a boat…but toss in a couple of really cool treehouses for that je ne sais quoi.
Join us for a trip to the island of Fetoko, a tour of a magical homemade resort, and what is no doubt one of the most beautiful sunny days we’ve had in weeks!
A big thanks to Ben and Lisa for letting us share their island home and their story. If you couldn’t tell, they are pretty low-key people, so they don’t have social media accounts. But should you find yourself in Tonga once the borders open again, you can always say hello (or stay with them) at the resort: https://www.trade-winds.com/destination/vavau-in-tonga/23#product_tabs
- Source – Artlist, Get 2 Months FREE: https://bit.ly/artlist-GWTW
Artists – Peter Spacey, Rex Banner
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