A Merry Polynesian Holiday & Sneak Peek Into 2019

It’s a holly, jolly, merry Polynesian message from us, to you! Join us on the island of Huahine as we share some tropical goodness, our best & worst holiday foods and give you a sneak peek at the adventures ahead in 2019.
Don your swimsuit and Santa hat for this one. Bonus points if you take a photo and tag us in it!
Funny, I never realize just how much we’ve experienced until we start putting together a montage video. We’re always going, going, going and it’s important to take a step back and soak it all in.
So, we’re sipping on passion fruit juice and reflecting on the year that was 2018. We think of all the broken bits fixed, fears overcome, obstacles tackled, lessons learned and new experiences we have imprinted into our memory banks.
We’re filled to the brim with gratitude and yet we’re still insatiable. Our curiosity and need to experience list grows bigger everyday. Which leaves us thinking…
Wholly jingle bells, where has the year gone?!? I know we say this every year, but it’s all flying by too fast! We neeeeed more time. There’s much to experience in this world and so little time in which to do it.
With that in mind…
We wish you a new year filled with everlasting memories, unforgettable experiences and wet your pants adventures!
Happy Holidays everyone,
Nikki, Jason, Singa and Cleo

A pretzel, lemon and popsicle jump into the south pacific…no?!?
A gang of pool floaties sail to French Polynesia…gahh!
I think I’m gonna need to juice one of those pineapples and make a cocktail to come up with this one. Feel free to give a go at it in the comments. Best joke gets a gift from us!
Oh, and don’t forget to tell us what your best/worst holiday food is.
🎶AWESOME tunes for vids: http://bit.ly/artlist-gwtw
Artists used in this video: Ian Post, Katrina Stone