This Is Our Meditation

The wind is whipping but the sun is shining and we’re anchored in a little paradise. So, we take a cue from all the guidebooks and do what most come here to do: Slip into the island life.
This is Aitutaki, the honeymooners island, the Bora Bora of Cook Islands and if there’s one thing we’ve learned from years of travel, it’s to go with the flow.
The only thing missing from this video is a self-misting fan…so grab one, take a deep breath and immerse yourself into island life with us. It’s good for the soul.
And just like that we’re on our way again. Out to sea with a course set for an even smaller island. Next up, Palmerston…population 33.
The Art Of Doing Nothing
We may only move at an average of 6-8 knots but even we forget how important it is to slow down. From the twenty or so minutes of life we share each week, it may seem as if we live in a dream world. And some days it feels that way. But, we spend most of our time underway, maintaining, repairing, planning, cleaning, editing or eating. Sometimes we sleep.
We’re Americans. Full throttle and staying busy is etched into our DNA. We’ve been raised with this idea that doing nothing would typically be associated with being lazy. Most of the westernized world probably feels this way.
But doing nothing is important! Which is why I believe people are drawn to meditation, tai chi, chi gung, yoga and anything else that represents the calm vs the chaos (or the balance of).
For us, being out in nature is our meditation.

I forget how good it feels to just stop, meditate, vegetate and relax. It always takes me a little time, but once I relax…I am in the zone! The clutter in my head slowly reorganizes itself. The white noise fades and everything gets clearer. I can see, breathe and think again.
I know how important it is to take this mental break, how it increases productivity, reduces stress and a long list of other benefits…yet I still struggle to work it into my life consistently.
Anyone out there relate?
Nah, I didn’t think so. 😉
But seriously, if you have been there and found the secret to the balancing act of life…please do share.
Ups, downs and all arounds, we share them all. We’re able to do so because people like you show up each week, read, watch, comment, share, shop our gear store and put tips in our production jar. If you like what you see, there are lots of FREE ways you can show your support. Thank you for being a part of the journey!
- All our camera gear:
🎶AWESOME tunes:
- Source:
- Artists – Giants and Pilgrims (intro), Maya Isac, and Lance Conrad
- Anchorage: Aitutaki, Cook Islands
- Date: June 2019