Life At Sea – Sailing To The Cook Islands + New Crew

Life At Sea – Sailing To The Cook Islands + New Crew

It’s that time again. Time to raise our sails, stretch our sea legs and lose sight of land.  To check out of one country and into another.

Our time in French Polynesia has been beyond expectations but we’re feeling that nomadic itch.  That and the fact that our visas are about to expire.

Most of our new sailing friends are extending their visas and their stay in this Polynesian paradise.  We were tempted to join them but our desire to see what lies beyond is greater than the pull to stay put.

Plus, it’s been a while since we’ve had crew on board.  So, we invited two of our virtual crew (patreons) to join us on passage from Tahiti to Rarotonga, Cook Islands.

We’ve packed a lot of life into this episode, a whole lotta life at sea that is.  Stunning sunsets, storms, mishaps and more.

Life at sea is full of ups and downs and not just because of the swell.  There are lots of ways to travel, many lifestyles to choose from and many that are far easier than a life at sea.  But, of all the various ways we have had the fortune to travel around the globe, none have touched my soul in quite the same way as a few good days at sea.

seascapes aboard sailing catamaran curiosity
a pastel evening at sea in the the south pacific
nikki wynn working the sails aboard sailing vessel curiosity at sunset in the south pacific
evening at sea from a sailboat
jason wynn contemplating life while sailing aboard curiosity in the south pacific

A big thanks to Julie and George for joining us on the passage.  Your sea legs are strong and both cats voted you best treat givers.

new crew aboard curiosity with Jason and Nikki Wynn
crew of sailing catamaran curiosity on passage to cook islands


Ups, downs and all arounds, we share them all.  We’re able to do so because people like you show up each week, read, watch, comment, share, shop our gear store and put tips in our production jar.  If you like what you see, there are lots of FREE ways you can show your support.  Thank you for being a part of the journey!


🪫Composting Toilet, Lithium Batteries, Solar, Water & More… 🚽

🎶AWESOME tunes:

  • Source:
  • Artists – Giants & Pilgrims (intro), Kyle Preston, Moon, John Isaac, Dan Zeitune and The Hunts


  • Nautical Miles Sailed: 650
  • Date:  June 2019