Let’s Clear A Few Things Up
Having sponsors as a creator is something we have never talked about. Then we realized no one else does either and we should. Because leaving it unspoken opens the door to a lot of assumptions.

Having sponsors as a creator is something we have never talked about. Then we realized no one else does either and we probably should. Because leaving it unspoken opens the door to a lot of assumptions.
The ethics of sponsorships and transparency are important, and we try to make it clear when we are being sponsored. But, based on many of the comments we get, we’re not doing a good enough job.
So, this is our attempt to provide some clarity and insight on the subject and open a conversation.
Sponsorships are not evil. Sponsorships work when they are relevant to us (the creator) and the viewer is aware of what’s happening and both are satisfied with the content. But, that’s just our opinion. We are curious as to what your thoughts are. Let us know in the comments. It will help shape how we handle sponsorships in the future.
If you want to dive a little deeper into the subject, we highly recommend Tom Scott’s video, YouTubers have to declare ads. Why doesn’t anyone else?
And Pom Wonderful Presents, the greatest movie ever sold. Because it’s insanity.