We See Land!!! 585 Hours Sailing Across The Pacific Ocean

As I sit here at the salon table of Curiosity, rocking from side to side in the ocean swell, I am seriously contemplating the words “Land Ho”.
Land Ho: A nautical term shouted by the ship’s watch to inform the crew that land has been spotted.
It’s a simple phrase with a seemingly simple meaning. But oh, has my admiration for these two words grown. After 585 life affirming hours at sea, land ho is now a complex, emotional, curious, and electric filled statement.

If you’ve been following along for the past 23 days of sailing across the Pacific Ocean, it’s possible you’re looking forward to seeing French Polynesia as much as we are…so click the play button!
We made it, and it feels oooh sooo good! A non-stop Pacific Ocean sail from Salinas, Ecuador to Hiva Oa, French Polynesia.

Humans have been crossing oceans for thousands of years, on much smaller vessels and with far less creature comforts. We haven’t done anything groundbreaking or new. The level of adventure today vs the 1600’s isn’t even apples to oranges. It’s more like oranges to ipads. But that is the exciting part!
Adventurous souls throughout history have made incredible contributions to the world. Ferdinand Magellan, Neil Armstrong, The Wright Brothers, Jacques Cousteau and the list goes on. These famous explorers have all raised the bar of discovery but have also paved the way for the rest of us.
Adventure has never been more achievable than it is today!
I feel we have just seized an opportunity. We took the gifts of knowledge, charting, documenting and life risking those before us bestowed, and we created our own adventure. And while Jason and I aren’t any sort of ocean pioneers, we’re still stoked to have accomplished our biggest sail to date.
I feel satisfied…like a student that just aced a big exam. LAND HO! WOO-HOO!

Fun Sea Stats
- Hours At Sea: 585
- Days At Sea: A tad over 24
- Nautical Miles Sailed: 3588
- Average Speed: 6.14 Nautical Miles Per Hour
- Best 24 Hours: 182 Nautical Miles
- Worst 24 Hours: 101 Nautical Miles
- Hours using a Motor: 42 (or about 7%) That includes windless days, picking up anchor, dropping anchor, sail changes (spinnaker) and the few times we had to repair our flogging boom.
- Fish Caught: One Jason sized spearfish that packed our freezer!
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Gear Used In This Video
- In The Galley – Click on the Kitchen Faves: gonewiththewynns.com/store
- Working Out – Everything we have for staying fit while sailing: https://www.gonewiththewynns.com/product/exercise-staying-fit
- Entertainment at Sea – Kindle: http://amzn.to/2mpGQ9K Audiobooks and podcasts are The Best on passage. Currently listening to French Lessons.
- Camera Gear – All Our Camera/Computer Gear is Listed Here: gonewiththewynns.com/camera-gear-review-2017
- Sailing Specific Gear
- Sailing Smart Watch: gonewiththewynns.com/product/quatix-5-marine-watch
- Chartplotter: https://amzn.to/2xHqxsV
- Tracking & Texting: Garmin InReach: gonewiththewynns.com/product/inreach-satellite-communication-and-tracking
- iPad Mount at Helm: http://amzn.to/2fT84PG Using iPad Pro: http://amzn.to/2d9Oopf
- With These Sailing/Navigation/Weather Apps:
- iNavx: http://bit.ly/2vGgC51
- Active Captain: http://bit.ly/active_captain
- Texting, Email & Weather: bit.ly/PredictWindIridium
- With These Sailing/Navigation/Weather Apps: