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Ups, downs and all around, we share it all. We’re able to do so because people like you show up each week, read, watch, comment, share, shop our gear guides, or toss a tip in our production jar. If you like what you see, there are lots of ways you can show your support.
Become Part of The Crew
We offer our support crew exclusive bonus videos, behind the scenes updates, crew opportunities, special meet-ups and more.
It’s also a safe space where we can have more interaction with you and dive deeper into conversations.
Feeling Tipsy?
A couple of bucks pays for a video upload, a few more buys us a beer while we wait! We’ll toast to you while we publish our next video. Plus, unicorns do a flash mob around the world every time a donation is made.
Sign up for email notifications. Youtube notifications aren’t reliable but we personally send out an email each time we publish a new video, article or gear guide. We will never share or sell your info and of course, you can opt-out anytime.
Join in on the conversation
We’re always up for a good conversation and nothing is worse than feeling like you are speaking to an empty room. We’re most active here on our website and Instagram. But any of these spaces are where we spend time getting to know you, answering questions, or just listening to your thoughts, experiences, and feedback.
Hearing Nothing But Crickets?
Sometimes we’re in the middle of an "all hands on deck" kinda sail, taking a mental break or we simply don’t have internet (because even Starlink has black out zones). But, please know we read every comment and respond to as many as we can.
Thanks for being a part of the adventure,
– Jason & Nikki