An Entire Island To Ourselves

Sailing through the Haʻapai islands feels like a vivid dream. The borders are closed to the Kingdom of Tonga and we’re the only sailboat out here. At times it feels like we’re the last remaining humans on earth. Far away from the western world with islands mostly uninhabited and yet, all the evidence they were here.
A strange and beautiful dream.
Speaking of beautiful dreams, we have the loveliest stowaway join us for this passage. Dior is taking advantage of her idle time during covid to learn how to kitesurf on a neighboring island. As if we didn’t already adore her from our time together on Nomuka…she was an absolute joy to have on board.
You can learn more about Dior and her family through their website and get social with them on Instagram.
- Whale Discoveries:
- Dior:
A short note about a long-winded problem.
Trash. Seeing how much trash reaches even these remote and uninhabited places can be shocking. It’s a complicated subject but the reality is, many of these island countries don’t have waste management, can’t store or treat it properly or afford to ship recyclables to another country. Leaving them with no real solution or alternatives.
We have thought many times about diving into the subject of rubbish. What we’ve learned, how sailors and islands manage (or sometimes don’t manage) rubbish. It’s a trashy subject with some harsh realities and much-needed solutions.
Question is, would you be interested in seeing a video about how sailors (and islands) deal with trash? Let us know in the comments.
- Source – Artlist, Get 2 Months for FREE:
- Artists – Paper Planes, Generation Lost, Giants and Pilgrims, Kick Lee, Be Still The Earth
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