How To and How Not To Tow a Car Behind an RV

We honestly can’t imagine RVing without a tow car, it allows us to park the RV and explore with better fuel economy and much easier parking opportunities. But it can be a little overwhelming to select the perfect tow car, purchase a towing kit, and have the towing equipment installed…but that’s where we come to the rescue, sort of.
How Not to Tow a Car behind the RV
Over the years of full time travel we’ve made a ton of towing mistakes and because I’m a cheap and lazy it took me forever to repair these mistakes. The good news is I procrastinated just long enough to have a host of issues to share with you on my video which I’ve titled Learn From My Mistakes: Tow Cars.
No matter how seasoned of RVers we’ve become there’s always an opportunity for mistakes. The best piece of advice I can offer in regards to towing a car: Make sure you install the correct parts, the correct way, the first time around and most importantly take your time when connecting the tow car. Rushing leads to mistakes (and if someone walks up to me in the middle of connecting our car and asks questions, I kindly tell them to wait, it’s not rude I’m connecting a very expensive piece of machinery and need to focus all my energy on the task at hand).
How To Tow a Car Behind an RV

After nearly 2 years of towing our Smart Car while continually damaging wires, the original sloppy install job, and a compromised BrakeAway system I finally decided to fix everything and get back to “safer” towing. Now don’t go thinkin’ we’ve been putting ourselves in danger all these years, the damage to our cables were only to the plastic covering, the BrakeAway is an extra security device (not required by law), and the “jerry rigged” install was just a pain to use but it was functional. In this video I share some of the tricks I’ve learned over the years of how to properly connect a tow car.
Needless to say our towing system has taken a beating over the years and I’m happy we purchased the Roadmaster system. The Sterling All Terrain Tow bar is the top of the line towing system, it may cost more but what’s a couple hundred bucks when we’re talking about towing a $20,000 car? If you want to purchase our exact towbar and brake here’s the links (of course you can find all our tow car items in our awesome Travel Store too:
Roadmaster 576 All Terrain Tow Bar
Roadmaster 9160 Brakemaster Towed Car Braking System
Roadmaster 765 Automatic Battery Disconnect