Happy Holidays, Thank You & Our Biggest News Ever

Have you had your fill of Holiday Cheer yet? I hope not because we have a raspberry-jam-filled-sugar-cookie-high induced message we would like to share. So grab your warm beverage of choice (we’re having tea latte’s) and click the play button.
For those with low bandwidth or limited internet that didn’t watch the video, we had a tea party in your honor!
It was our way of saying Happy Holidays and thanks so much for being a part of our adventures! Your support, commentary, funny jokes, feedback, sharing, tips, shopping our store, and even those lurking in the corner who’ve never officially said hello yet, we love and appreciate each of you more than we can possibly express.
Keeping up this website and everything associated with it is far more work than we ever let on. Don’t get me wrong we love sharing, but without you and your support we couldn’t keep it going.
So when we say happy holidays, thanks and we hope you have an exciting adventure filled year ahead…we really, really mean it!
Our Biggest News Ever
2016 is going to be a BIG year for us. We’re spending the rest of the holidays in the L.A. area with family and most of January we’ll be in the Palm Springs area with more family. Then our year of craziness and uncertainty begins.
We have so much we still want to tell you about our 2015 travels and filling you in on our experience with testing the new systems we’ve had this year. Especially when it comes to things like residential refrigerators, air conditioners and solar/batteries in an RV. But, because our RV is a leased test coach, we’re due to give it back in the spring. So we have a lot of work to do before then and before our next big move.
We’ve hinted around at sailing for quite some time now…and the time has finally come.
We are NOT done RVing
I know some of you are saying nooooo, while others have been waiting over two years for us to finally make the move (yea, we’ve been talking about it for a while now). We plan to spend around 70% of our time on water while spending the other 30% renting whatever small RV is available to explore by land.
We are currently sail boat shopping!
Oh, and let me tell you, it is just as daunting trying to find the perfect boat as it is trying to find the perfect RV. We’re super early-on in the process and not yet ready to dive into all the details, but here is what we know for now.
- Catamaran vs Mono – We’ve decided we want a catamaran for a host of reasons, which we will cover at a later date.
- New vs Used – based on our budget and just good common sense, we’re looking for a used boat.
- What Size of Boat – We want to find a boat around 35ft for much of the same reason we prefer an RV around or under 30ft. Easier handling and maneuverability.
- What Brand of Boat – At this moment here are our top faves: Fountaine Pajot MAHE 36, Broadblue 345, Seawind 1000 XL & the Gemini Legacy.
What About the Kitty Cats
Well, they are coming of course! We will be needing some kitty PFD’s but other than that, I think they are going to like the sailing life (or they’ll be not so secretly plotting our demise). But seriously, what cat wouldn’t want to spend hours a day sunning out on the deck with an unlimited supply of fresh fish!?!
Where are we buying?
That is all part of the adventure. We’ve been unplanners in the past but 2016 seems like it could be the most up-in-the-air year yet! There are only a small number of cats made each year from each manufacturer, so in our search we’ve found a few contenders in San Diego, Florida, Turkey, France and even Australia. Yea, that’s a huge search range! I guess we’ll find the best boat we can online then make our way out to see it…and hopefully sail it “home” if necessary.
Ok, thats it. Our big news has been revealed but don’t let that distract from the much bigger message here:
Thank You, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!
Share what you are most excited about in 2016
If you have some big exciting news or crazy dreams you plan to make a reality, tell us about it in the comments below. Together we can share in the excitement, anticipation and encourage each other to make it all happen!
Wondering what a tea latte is?
It’s a simple treat that is a great alternative to indulgent hot coco or the traditional espresso based latte.
1. Pick your favorite tea that stands up well to milk (chai tea, earl grey or chocolate rooibos are some of my faves).
2. Steep the tea in hot milk (or milk alternative: soy, almond, coconut…) in leiu of the water (typically needs about 10% more time to steep).
3. Add your sweetener of choice (we use honey).
4. Top with a little frothed milk (we use this milk frother).
5. Enjoy!