It’s Not Goodbye, It’s Just Until Next Time – Sailing With Friends

I hate that looming sense of knowing that something good is coming to an end. Sort of like the last few pages of a really good book or looking down at the last bite of ice cream. Sailing into Salinas I had that feeling…but times ten.
Tiny knots were forming in my stomach and throat. Our time together as a crew was coming to an end, so new adventures could begin. I knew it wasn’t goodbye forever, but even saying, “until next time” can be just as emotional. Sailing with friends has been one of the biggest joys of our life aboard Curiosity, and quite possibly the best part of our adventures.
Why is everyone leaving? First, our friend John needs to get back to The Skeleton Crew (the boat part they needed finally came in) so they can continue their sailing journey south, towards the infamous Cape Horn. Then, Kate needs to make her way back to Panama to meet up with her husband Rufus. He was finishing up a captaining gig, which is why she was able to travel with us. Full story here:
So, we spend the last of our time together doing what we do best…exploring. We’re anchored in a new port, and it just so happens that Salinas is Ecuador’s most popular beach destination.
I still get all teary eyed watching us say our farewells. Jumping head first into the world of sailing has been a grand journey. But sharing the experience with others has proven to be the biggest adventure of all.

Writer Paul Theroux said, “Most travel, and certainly the rewarding kind, involves depending on the kindness of strangers, putting yourself into the hands of people you don’t know and trusting them with your life.”
I trust you. This is exactly what someone is saying when they jump aboard Curiosity to sail with us. Hopping on a sailboat (with almost strangers), living in a small confined space and heading hundreds of miles from civilization together is no small commitment.
If traveling together is a true test of a relationship, sailing together is the final exam.

From the planning and prep, night watches, sleep deprivation, sea sickness, surprise storms and pirate scares, we get to know our fellow sailors in new and unexpected ways.
Long conversations are inevitable, as are the compromises. We learn how you deal with money and stress. We see you before you’ve brushed your teeth. We know how you like your coffee. And we’re the first to know when you’ve run out of toilet paper.
When sailing, closeness is soo much more than simply sharing a physical space. It’s a kind of closeness that can either feel like a warm and fuzzy bear hug, or a suffocating choke hold. And, it doesn’t take long to figure out which one you’ve gotten yourself into.
Benjamin Franklin spent enough time aboard ships to know that feeling all too well. He famously said, “Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.” Clearly, he never had a Kate for a shipmate.
We’ve lucked out with some stellar crew experiences that have left us with lifelong friendships and memories that will never fade. Our time in Ecuador has been especially memorable thanks to Kate and our friends The Skeleton Crew.
They say friends are the family you choose, and while Kate was only on board with us for three months, she is forever a part of our family. She is our Katie, sailing sister, Instaboss, the pride of South Africa and the winner of zip-lines. She’s smart as a whip, wild and unpredictable like a rhino, slick as a leopard, and more lovable than a baby elephant. Her laughter fills the room and she always makes me feel like the funniest person alive. I know this won’t be our last adventure together, but we will miss her terribly…“until next time.”

Sailing Road Trip Report
To see our full map with interactive pins, click here:

- Dates – March 8 – 12, 2018
- Nautical Miles Sailed – Isla De Plata to Salinas, Ecuador 56.8
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