Free Overnight Camping: Boondocking at Wal-Mart?
Road tripping is awesome; trying to drive when you are exhausted, or falling asleep, is not. Luckily there are several answers to this problem and most are free. For now, let’s talk about one option for boondocking, also called dry camping, when there’s no rest area nearby.
Wal-Mart Camping! It’s not my favorite place to shop or stay, but it is a great option when you can’t make it to your destination and you just need some shut-eye.
However, they do have one thing going for them: many are RV, truck and car camping friendly. Walmart is one of the few retailers that allow you to stay in their parking lot overnight.

When you are on a long road trip and can’t find any rest stops or campgrounds along your route, Wal-Mart starts looking pretty good. The important thing to remember when doing this is to do it the right way. So watch the video, take some notes and let us know if you have any other helpful advice for others. If so, just post advice in the comment box below.
Keep in mind this is not the definitive “how to camp at WalMart” guide, its just a short video about how we stay overnight at Walmart. Also it’s important to know that not every Wal-mart allows overnight parking, make sure you call to verify with the manager in advance before arriving, it may save you from being woken up by a police officer, or tow truck, in the middle of the night.