SHE CAULKED IT UP! (preparing for an ocean passage)

Our last open ocean, overnight passage was August 2019. We sailed from Niue to Tonga and talked about how we were feeling a little overwhelmed with the boat work we knew we had ahead of us. (Ha, we had no idea just how challenging things would get. Ahhh, the pre-pandemic life.)
These chill day sails around the island group of Vava’u have been beautiful but we’re itching to stretch our sea legs! The cyclone season is finally winding down and we’ve got the perfect weather window for sailing south to the main island of Tongatapu.
But…before we can head out to sea, we’ve got some work to do on Curiosity to keep the water out and the air in.
A note about the Flag…
We caulked up more than just the windows! (yes, I could have taken the time to do a “pretty” job and smooth it all out but it’s a temporary patch…because it’s all getting ripped out and replaced soon). And yes, a big oops here, we flew our own state flag upside down and didn’t even notice. Clearly, our wind instrument isn’t the only thing with a few corroded wires. We’ll get it turned right side up and apologize to all those offended, it was an honest, albeit absent-minded, mistake and not intentional disrespect. 😬
- Artists – Rodellos Machine, Ian Post, Michael Shynes
- Music Source, Artlist: Get 2 Months Free
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