Don’t F**** With The Locals – Carnival Road Trip In Ecuador

Our Ecuador road trip continues and it’s Carnival! In short, Carnival is a Catholic holiday filled with parades, parties and general rebellion before lent. So, we take the long route from Tulcan to Quito and find an array of art, oddities and festivities along the way. We make it to Quito for the last big day of Carnival, and that is where the real rebellion begins!
It was a foamin’ good time! Hopefully it wasn’t too Blair Witch Project with all the running and guerilla warfare. I’m not sure if it was the overall vibe of the festivities, the family affair of it (seriously, those kids were over the top fun) or sharing the experience with friends, but that was the most fun I’ve had in a while. And I like to think I know a thing or two about fun.
Carnival aside, to say this region of Ecuador is beautiful would be an understatement. It’s lush, rugged, colorful and the people have been warm and welcoming. We’re only at the beginning of the road trip and already I’m smitten with this country.
Big love and thanks to our friends Taylor and Stephen of Skeleton Crew Sailing for joining us. The day wouldn’t have been the same without you guys. is where you can get to know more about these two crazy dudes and watch their adventures. In short, they’re on an epic mission to tame cape horn inspired by the non-profit Mission 22 (spread awareness of veteran suicide). Their story so far is incredible, their cause is noble, and we feel honored to call them friends. Our adventures together aren’t over, we’ll be seeing more of these two.
Sailing Road Trip Report – Tulcan to Quito
To see our full map with interactive pins, click here:

- Dates – February 11 – 12, 2018
- Road Miles Traveled – 158
- Rental Car – $29 per day. We rented a car in Manta because it was half the price of renting in Bahia. (where our boat is anchored).
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