Bora Bora Baby! Sailing On Island Time

So many islands, so little time. It’s a sentiment that has been on my mind a lot lately. I study the charts and the distances between our next destinations. Then I zoom out to take in the big picture. The world feels ENORMOUS and the possibilities are endless.
We’re island hopping from Huahine to Bora Bora and then…who knows. To be honest, it blows my mind to even type those words.
Neither of us could have pointed out the Society Islands on a map fifteen years ago and now we’re sailing them. We never dreamed such a life of adventure was possible for people like us (land locked, blue-collar peeps). We didn’t grow up near the sea, nor were we jet setting about the world.
As a kid, Jason’s family would escape to the lake for a weekend or perhaps take a road trip to a neighboring state.
I grew up working in cotton fields, swimming in irrigation ditches (because nobody had a pool) and dreamed of moving to the city one day. Now, I dream of the day I board a rocket ship to outer space (seriously).
I spent a good portion of my life grossly underestimating myself and what was possible. So, as you watch this little slice of our journey, know your possibilities are greater than even you can imagine.
Yep, we’re settling into island time in a major way! We could have easily departed at 4am for Bora Bora. But when that alarm went off at 3am for us to pick up the anchor and set sail…we both looked at each other and said “nah, let’s just sleep in!” Knowing we could take the lazy route between Raiatea and Tahaa was simply too tempting.

I think these are the days that will be seared into our memories forever. Not the action-packed stories we will share around roaring fire, but the ones we’ll reminisce about silently when we’re old, grey and thoroughly worn out. The excitement of a sailing off to a new destination, lazy days at sea and arriving in a dream location that once seemed out of reach. It doesn’t even matter what experiences this place holds for us. We made it here, the anchor has been dropped in the picture-perfect lagoon and all is right in the world. Because we’re in Bora Bora BABY!

Sharing our lives and what we learn along the way is possible because of viewers like you. If you like what you see, there are lots of FREE ways you can show your support. Thank you for being a part of the journey.
Inflatable Paddle Boards:
- All our camera gear:
🎶AWESOME tunes:
- Source:
- Artists Used in This Video: Giants & Pilgrims, Russo & Weinberg

Huahine to Bora Bora, French Polynesia
- Nautical Miles Sailed: 58
- Date: November 2018