All Alone & They Hit My Sailboat! This Is What Happens When We Separate

When Jason left me behind on the boat I envisioned daily trips to the ice cream stand, solo dance parties on the deck and watching all the fantasy and romance movies I wanted without the sound of his eye balls rolling next to me.
I was excited about my “me” time! I had already played the scenes out in my mind, complete with an all-female soundtrack. It was going to be me, Queen B, Gwen, Regina Spektor and the always fab Nellie McKay showing Ecuador how we roll.
Because let’s be honest. After ten years of marriage and eight years of it being 24/7 full time travel…a little absence makes the heart grow fonder. (Unless you are Jason, who is married to me. In that case, you weep endlessly until you are reunited with your love.)
I wanted to go into full girl-on-the-loose, soul feeding, solo traveler mode. But, then… reality. Our biggest crossing yet (South Pacific, what what!) is closing in fast and we’re nowhere near ready. We have a list of boat chores sooo long it would make Santa Clause want to bury his head in the sand.
Jason is enduring long flights, a money hostage situation and going on a scavenger hunt for parts we can’t get in Ecuador. Gah, I can’t pretend to be a girl on vacation. I need to be a tool slinging, boat project smashing, list scratching wonder woman.
I had lofty goals in mind when we said our goodbyes…and I was in for a bang alright, just not the kind I was dreaming of.
Well, I would be lying if I said I achieved the wonder woman status I was going for. I managed to accomplish enough to earn my keep and hopefully impress my jet lagged man…but not exactly score any super hero titles. One thing is certain however: I will blame any lack of productivity or extra beers consumed on those mafia run jet skis! (Don’t worry Ecuador, I still love you. Every country has it’s A$$ H@73$.)

Repairing Delaminated Windows On A Sailboat
We’re not experts and this is NOT a how to. But, if you want to know how we tackled the project and what we learned along the way, you’ll find the full scoop here:
The Money Hostage Situation Explained
In the video Jason didn’t give the full story on our bank accounts being frozen. What really happened? What did he do about it, and why did we stay with the bank who screwed us?
All good questions. But, can you blame him for giving the cliff notes version? He was pissed, stressed and trying to make big decisions in a short time frame. He couldn’t wrap his head around how to hash it all out on camera yet. So, he sat down and wrote a story to explain everything, plus a whole lot of good info on how we manage money while traveling around the world. Full scoop here:
Patron Meetup?
While we may not always be able to organize meetups for the whole GWTW community, we do organize special meetups with our virtual crew (aka Patrons). We have an entire adventure weekend coming up with them in Tahiti! That said, we also host big meetups where anyone who wants to attend, can. We announce those on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. So, if you ever want to meet up because we’re in or headed to your neck of the woods, leave us a comment anytime.
Curious About Our Camera Gear?
- Jason used the phone to film his mission (because he needed to travel lite and save space for parts on the way home). I mostly used our little sony pocket cam and sony action cam around the boat (with the occasional use of the A7 for those epic sunsets). And the drone for those aerial views (oh, if I only had wings!). All Our Camera Gear Listed Here:
- All our fave gadgets and gear can be found in Our Gear store:
Why share our lives?
A virtual escape (living vicariously) can be just what you need some days. But ultimately, we want you to create a life you don’t feel the need to escape from. We share in hopes of helping you find the information, inspiration or tools you need to live your adventure.
But, it takes a village. There are lots of FREE ways you can show your support or consider tossing a nugget into our Tip Jar, shopping through our carefully chosen gear store, or joining the virtual crew (Patreon).