Mesa and Phoenix: Markets, Food Trucks and The Apache Trail

We always have fun throwing out the phrase “we get around” but while staying in Mesa, Arizona we definitly lived up to the self proclaimed reputation.

This was one of those places we drove so much we almost proclaimed ourselves offical car tourist too! Ok, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but we were super happy to have our 40mpg car! Mesa is just a short drive from the Superstition Mountains, downtown Phoenix and the famous Apache Trail. We visited all of them and everything in between.
We had more emails and facebook comments telling us to take a drive of the Apache Trail, than of anything actually in Mesa or Pheonix. So, of course we took the advice.
The Trail was originally used by the Apache Indians for their migrations through the Superstition Mountains and later used as a stagecoach trail, and now it leads to the famous Ghost Town of Goldfield, and the quirky town of Tortilla Flat. The road is windy and full of beautiful views of golden mountains and Canyon Lake. If you’re in Mesa only for a day I highly recommend spending a few hours to checking it out.

Of course one of our favorite things to do in any city is hit up the local Farmers Market. During the winter and spring months there is a farmers market in the Phoenix Metro area almost every day! So, we decided to hit up the ever popular Phoenix Public Market in downtown Phoenix. Of course there are the typical homemade gifts, local cheeses, the breakfast taco guy, fresh flowers, and of course local produce….but we came mainly for the food trucks! Right next to the market are several food trucks serving up great local eats and drinks.

There are also several great food trucks a few blocks away from the market on a non-descript street corner, we spotted one of Phoenix’s most famous “Short Leash” which specializes in Gourmet Hot Dogs including a veggie dog. We of course asked for the locals favorite, the Moki Dog: Green Chilies, Tomatoes, Onions, Pinto Beans and Cheddar Cheese…YUM!

We had the opportunity to meet up with a couple who’ve been following our adventures for some time. They’re fellow RV’ers who seem to take adventures as often as possible, especially with their quads. We wondered through the market together and found ourselves at a very swanky joint called “Bliss ReBar”. This place is covered in recycled metal and serves up good food and crazy cheap specials. The giant metal entryway was the perfect spot for a photo-op with new friends. If you see this cute couple out in one of thier mustangs or stiring up the dust in the desert on a quad, stop them and ask for thier secret bloody mary recipie! I would give it to you but then we might not be invited back…

We were parked at Monte Vista RV Resort which has the tagline of “Hometown Friendship, Cruise Ship Fun”…and this place was crazy busy!
Now this is a 55+ park and I realize we’re not 55 yet, however the resort made an exception for us since we were there to film the property…hence the super awesome video above. 🙂
I will tell you not much beats working outside in the 85 degree sunshine with your best bud…in the middle of winter! Gotta love visiting Arizona as a snowbird.

This is the 2nd age qualified resort we’ve visited and we’re in awe at the list of activities that never seemed to. While filming at the softball field we were informed that 2 of the people on the field were over 80, and there was one who was in the baseball hall of fame. Pretty cool! We also noticed they had a wicked bicycle culture! Most age qualified resorts fill their parking lots with decked out golf cars, but here bicycles were the main mode of transportation. We loved it, especially the bikes with cool baskets and super padded seats! The would fit right in at Burning Man.

We definitely enjoyed exploring the Mesa and the Phoenix area and were most surprised at the beauty that was to be found just outside the city. If you get the chance, take a trip to the area, just make sure you fill up your gas tank before you start exploring.
If you’ve been to Mesa or Phoenix, let us know what you thought about the area in the comments below.
Disclaimer: While we were compensated to film the resort (thanks Encore!)…all of our experiences and opinions are not purchased and are still our own.